Using your new Temiz Kese
The best way to exfoliate your body is while showering or soaking in the bathtub.
- Wet your body under hot shower for about 2-3 minutes, also wet your Kese.
- Wear your Kese on a hand and use mild to moderate pressure to allow the glove move on the surface of your skin. its important to know remember that if you go very fast and apply too much pressure you may accidentally damage your skin. be careful especially around the decollette area , neckline, underarms. Gentle pressure is better than harsh in order to avoid skin breakage.
- Moving via circular motions , and also up and down the parts of your body will create perfect conditions for desquamation and soon enough you will notice dead skin cells are rolling into small rolls. Again please be as gentle as possible and avoid damaging skin surface.
- If you can not reach your back best is to have your trusted person to help with that part, as you do need a flat palm with Kese and pressure to get fully exfoliated .
- Take time, breath in , hydrate if you need to with herbal tea and water. This is your cleansing ritual not just for your body .
- Rinse off , at this pint you can use contrast shower, hot and cold. It is most invigorating way to close open pores and bring blood circulation to the surface of your skin to repair and heal.
- Now after all that detox scrubbing ritual come the need to moisturize and seal in the moisture. Also notice how you feel, how clean and light your skin feels . Using our simple squalane and oil blends will help the skin to seal in the moisture. At this point you might feel hot and still sweat out some of the moisture, keep hydrating and resting for few minutes in horizontal position.
- Kese can be used once a week, or as often as you feel like granted you follow advise on using gentle pressure .
- Remember , pink and tingling skin is a good sign , but red peeling burning or painful skin will mean that you have applied excessive pressure and have damaged your skin. Please all be aware that Temiz company does not carry any responsibility for misuse of our products .